- Hostler, T. J., Poerio, G. L., Nader, C., Mank, S., Lin, A. C., Villena-González, M., Asmr, L., Asmr, S. S., Asmr, Y., Asmr, M., Plutzik, N., Ahuja, N. K., Baker, D. H., Bannister, S., Barratt, E. L., Bedwell, S. A., Billot, P.-E., Blakey, E., Cardini, F., ... [Maas, F.], … Zehetgrube, J. (2024). Research priorities for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response: An interdisciplinary delphi study. Multisensory Research, 37(6–8), 499–528.
- Markum, R. B., Maas, F., Wolf, S., Halperin, B. A., Claisse, C., & Buie, E. (2024). Navigating intersections of religion/spirituality and Human-Computer Interaction. Adjunct Proceedings of the 2024 Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 1–4.
- Maas, F., Volkman, T., Jarke, J., Berger, A., Bischof, A., Buchmüller, S., Draude, C., Gaertner, W., Horn, V., Maaß, S., Marsden, N., Mucha, H., Struzek, D., Stepczynski, J., & Wolf, S. (2024). Partizipative und sozialverantwortliche Technikentwicklung. Mensch und Computer 2024 - Workshopband. Mensch und Computer, Karlsruhe.
- Markum, R. B., Wolf, S., Hoefer, M., & Maas, F. (2023). Designing tangible interactive artifacts for religious and spiritual purposes. Companion Publication of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 117–120.
- Berger, A., Mucha, H., Horn, V., Bischof, A., Volkmann, T., Draude, C., Becker, A., Haupt, B., Jarke, J., Maas, F., Wolf, S., Dhungel, A.-K., Buchmüller, S., & Marsden, N. 0. (2023). Partizipative und sozialverantwortliche Technikentwicklung. Mensch und Computer 2023 - Workshopband. Mensch und Computer, Rapperswil.
- Franzisca Maas, Sara Wolf, Michael Weber, Marie Luisa Fiedler, Nils Zottmann, Marlene Lester, Jonathan Hohm, Luise Sessler, Katja Patricia Schmitt, Andreas Balser, Melina Joline Heinisch, Tabea Carolina Hofmann, Simon Maier, Amanda Ölschläger, Alisa Popp, and Jörn Hurtienne. 2023. "hubbel": A Hybrid Letterbox That Stimulates Civic Participation Through Local Information Sharing in Neighbourhoods. In Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ’23), July 10–14, 2023, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 16 pages.
- Mucha, H., Correia de Barros, A., Benjamin, J., Benzmüller, C., Bischof, A., Buchmüller, S., de Carvalho, A., Dhungel, A., Draude, C., Fleck, M., Jarke, J., Klein, S., Kortekaas, C., Kurze, A., Linke, D., Maas, F., Marsden, N., Melo, R., Michel, S., Müller-Birn, C., Pröbster, M., Rießenberger, K., Schäfer, M., Sörries, P., Stilke, J., Volkmann, T., Weibert, A., Weinhold, W., Wolf, S., Zorn, I., Heidt, M. & Berger, A. (2022). Collaborative Speculations on Future Themes for Participatory Design in Germany. i-com, 21(2), 283-298.
- Eder, A. B., Maas, F., Schubmann, A., Krishna, A., & Erle, T. M. (2022). Motivations underlying self-infliction of pain during thinking for pleasure. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-13.
- Maas, F., Wolf, S., Hohm, A., & Hurtienne, J. (2021). Citizen Needs–To Be Considered. i-com, 20(2), 141-159.
- Mucha, H., Maas, F., Draude, C., Stilke, J., Jarke, J., Bischof, A., ... & Maaß, S. (2021). Partizipative & sozialverantwortliche Technikentwicklung. Mensch und Computer 2021-Workshopband.
- Klüber, S., Maas, F., Schraudt, D., Hermann, G., Happel, O., & Grundgeiger, T. (2020). Experience Matters: Design and Evaluation of an Anesthesia Support Tool Guided by User Experience Theory. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, Eindhoven, Netherlands. [Won Dieter W. Jahns Student Practitioner Award 2015 of the Foundation for Professional Ergonomics]
- Klüber, S., Maas, F., Hohm, A., & Hurtienne, J. (2020). Participant’s View: Short-Term Evaluation of Realizing PD Ideals. Paper presented at the Sixteenth Participatory Design Conference 2020 - Participation(s) Otherwise (PDC ’20). Manizales, Colombia.
- Maas, F., & Klüber, S. (2020). “Lasst uns Gesichtserkennung auf dem Marktplatz einsetzen”: Warum Dystopien PD Projekte voranbringen. Paper presented at the Mensch und Computer 2020 (MuC’20), Magdeburg, Germany.
- Maas, F., & Klüber, S. (2020). Don’t be Afraid of Dystopias: Talking about Values in PD Processes. Computing Professionals for Social Responsibility: The Past, Present and Future Values of Participatory Design. Retrieved from
- Hurtienne, J., Maas, F., Carolus, A., Reinhardt, D., Baur, C., & Wienrich, C. (2020). Move&Find: The value of kinaesthetic experience in a casual data representation. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 40(6), 61-75.