Psychologische Ergonomie


*indicates Bachelor or Master student co-author
+indicates PhD student co-author

Google Scholar Grundgeiger


  • Stephan Huber, Ronja Fricke, Caroline Pütz, Lennart Baumeister, Christina Dilling, Oliver Happel, Simon Ottenhaus, Anja Nagel, Matthias Dunkelberg, and Tobias Grundgeiger. 2025. Evaluating an AI Documentation Assistant for Anesthesiology Teams. In Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '25), April 26--May 01, 2025, Yokohama, Japan. ACM, New York, NY, USA 8 Pages.


  • Fischer, P., Abendschein, R., Berberich, M., GRUNDGEIGER, T., Meybohm, P., Smul, T., Happel, O. (2024). Improved recall of handover information in a simulated emergency – a randomised controlled trial. Resucitation+
  • Bahnsen, K. +, Tiemann, L.*, Plabst, L.*, & GRUNDGEIGER, T. (2024). Augmented Reality Cues Facilitate Task Resumption after Interruptions in Computer-Based and Physical Tasks. Paper submitted to the 2024 CHI ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi, USA.
  • Huber, S., Happel, O., GRUNDGEIGER, T. (2024). Interactions, Tasks, and Roles of AI-Systems in Anaesthesiology – A Team Perspective. Abstract for The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe Chapter Annual Meeting 2024.
  • Abendschein, R. +, Happel, O., GRUNDGEIGER, T. (2024). Investigating the effect of salience and effort on the prediction of attentional distribution: A SEEV model analysis in the context of anaesthesiology. Abstract for The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe Chapter Annual Meeting 2024.


  • GRUNDGEIGER, T., Münz, A.+, Schlosser, P., & Happel, O. (2023). Supervising Multiple Operating Rooms Using a Head-Worn display: A Longitudinal Evaluation of the Experience of Supervising Anesthesiologists and Their Co-Workers. Paper presented at the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Hamburg, GER.
  • Hohm A.+, Happel O., Hurtienne J., & GRUNDGEIGER T. (2023). "When the beeping stops, you completely freak out" - How acute care teams experience and use technology. 26th ACM Conference On Computer-Supported Cooperative Work And Social Computing, Minneapolis, MN USA., CSCW 2023 Honourable Mentions
  • GRUNDGEIGER T., Ertle, F.*, Diethei, D.*, Mengelkamp, C., Held, V. (2023) Improving procedural skills acquisition of students during medical device training: experiments on e-Learning vs. e-Learning with hands-on. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 28, 127–146


  • Huber S., Gramlich J.*, Pauli S.*, Mundschenk S.*, Haugg E., & GRUNDGEIGER T. (2022). Toward User Experience in ATC: Exploring Novel Interface Concepts for Air Traffic Control. Interacting with Computers 34 (2), 43–59.
  • Salisbury, I. S., Schlosser, P. D., Tang, T.-L., Browning, C., Mohamed, I., GRUNDGEIGER, T., Loeb, R. G., & Sanderson, P. M. (2022). Attention to changes on a head-worn display: Two preclinical studies with healthcare scenarios. Human Factors.  
  • Hohm, A.+, Happel, O., Hurtienne, J., & GRUNDGEIGER, T. (2022). User Experience in Safety-Critical Domains: A Survey on Motivational Orientations and Psychological Need Satisfaction in Acute Care. Cognition, Technology & Work (24), 247–260.  
  • GRUNDGEIGER, T., Michalek, A.* Hahn, F., Wurmb, T., Meybohm, P.,  & Happel, O. (2022). Guiding Attention via a Cognitive Aid During a Simulated In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Scenario: A SEEV Model Analysis. Human Factors. 64(1), 1181–1194   
  • Hirsch, P., Koch, I., & GRUNDGEIGER, T. (2022). Task Interruptions. In A. Kiesel, L. Johannsen, I. Koch, & H. Müller (Eds.), Handbook of Human Multitasking (pp. 145-188). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Wickens, C.D., McCarley, J.S., Gutzwiller, R.S., GRUNDGEIGER, T. & Yamani, Y. (2022). Application. In Wickens, C.D., McCarley, J.S., Gutzwiller, R.S, Applied Attention Theory (2nd ed.). CRC Press.


  • GRUNDGEIGER, T., Hahn, F., Meybohm, P., Wurmb, T., & Happel, O. (2021). The use of a cognitive aid app supports guideline-conforming cardiopulmonary resuscitations: A randomized study in a high-fidelity simulation. Resucitation Plus 7, 100152.

  • Kuge, J., GRUNDGEIGER, T., Schlosser, P., Sanderson, P., & Happel, O. (2021). Design and Evaluation of a Head-Worn Display Application for Multi-Patient Monitoring. Paper presented at the ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS), Nowhere and Everywhere, June 28-July 2 2021. [DIS 2021 Honourable Mentions]

  • GRUNDGEIGER, T., Hohm, A., Michalek, A., Egenolf, T., Markus, C., & Happel, O. (in press). The validity of the SEEV model as a process measure of situation awareness: the example of a simulated endotracheal intubation. Human Factors.

  • Hohm, A.+, Hurtienne, J., Happel, O., & GRUNDGEIGER, T. (in press). It’s okay, honey… shhh…” - The Media Equation and Computers-Are-Social-Actors-Hypothesis in Acute Care. Mensch & Computer 2021, 5. - 8. September 2021, Ingolstadt, Germany.

  • Kuge, J.*, Huber, S., Haugg, E., & GRUNDGEIGER, T. (2021). Ecological Interface Design for a Spacing Assistant in Approach Control. The 2021 International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Vitual Conference.


  • Klüber, S., Maas, F., Schraudt, D., Hermann, G., Happel, O., & GRUNDGEIGER, T. (2020). Experience Matters: Design and Evaluation of an Anesthesia Support Tool Guided by User Experience Theory. ACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS), Eindhoven, Netherlands. 6-10 July, 2020.

  • Huber, S., Gramlich, J., & GRUNDGEIGER, T. (2020). From Paper Flight Strips to Digital Strip Systems: Changes and Similarities in Air Traffic Control Work Practices. The 23rd ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Minneapolis, MN, USA.17 – 21 Oct 2020.

  • GRUNDGEIGER, T., Wurmb, T., & Happel, O. (2020). Modelling Visual Attention of Junior and Senior Anesthesiologists during the Induction of General Anesthesia in Real and Simulated Cases. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems.

  • GRUNDGEIGER, T., Hurtienne, J., Happel, O. (2020). Why and How to Approach User Experience in Safety-Critical Domains: The example of healthcare. Human Factors.

  • GRUNDGEIGER, T., Beck, K.*, & Happel, O. (2020). The Effect of Effort on the Allocation of Visual Attention During the Induction of General Anesthesia: A SEEV Model Analysis. Proceedings of the 64rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Chicago, IL, USA. October 5 - October 9, 2020.

  • Kruse, M.*, Merdan, N.*, Volk, V.*, GRUNDGEIGER, T., & Sanderson, P. (2020). Comparison Between Head-Mounted Displays Regarding the Resumption of a Disrupted Work Task. Proceedings of the 64rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Chicago, IL, USA. October 5 - October 9, 2020.

  • GRUNDGEIGER, T., Hahn, F.*, Wurmb, T., & Happel, O. (2020). A Cognitive Aid to Support In-hospital Resuscitation Teams: An Experimental Evaluation in a Medical Simulation. Proceedings of the 64rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Chicago, IL, USA. October 5 - October 9, 2020.


  • Sanderson, P.M., McCurdie, T. & GRUNDGEIGER, T. (2019). Interruptions in healthcare: Assessing the connection with error and patient harm. Human Factors, 61(7), 1025–1036.

  • Schlosser, P.*, GRUNDGEIGER, T., Sanderson, P., & Happel, O. (2019). An exploratory clinical evaluation of a head-worn display based multiple-patient monitoring application: impact on supervising anesthesiologists’ situation awareness. Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, 33(6), 1119–1127

  • Schaper, P.+, & GRUNDGEIGER, T. (2019). Commission errors with forced response lag. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72(10), 2380-2392.

  • Klüber, S.*, Wolf, E.*, Mohamed, I., Brecknell, B., GRUNDGEIGER, T. & Sanderson, S. (2019). Head-Worn Displays and Spearcons: Supporting Multiple Patient Monitoring. Applied Ergonomics, 78, 86-96.
  • GRUNDGEIGER, T., Huber, S., Reinhardt, D., Steinisch, A., Happel, O., & Wurmb, T. (2019). Cognitive Aids in Acute Care: Investigating How Cognitive Aids Affect and Support In-hospital Emergency Teams. Paper presented at the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Glasgow, UK (acceptance rate of 23.8%). [CHI 2019 Honourable Mentions]. Doi:
  • Loft, S., Dismukes, K., & GRUNDGEIGER, T. (2019). Prospective memory in safety-critical work contexts. In J. Rummel & M. McDaniel (Eds.), Current Issues in Memory: Prospective Memory: Taylor and Francis.
  • GRUNDGEIGER, T., Egenolf, T.*, Markus, C., & Happel, O. (2019). The effect of device (video-based vs. direct laryngoscopy) and experience (junior vs. senior) on situation awarness during simulated tracheal intubation. Proceedings of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Seattle, Washington, USA. October 28 - November 1, 2019
  • Wolf, E.*, Heinrich, R.*, Michalek, A.*, Schraudt, D.*, Hohm, A.*, Hein, R.*, GRUNDGEIGER, T., & Happel, O. (2019).Rapid preparation of eye tracking data for debriefing in medical training: A feasibility study. Proceedings of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Seattle, Washington, USA. October 28 - November 1, 2019
  • Salisbury, I., Tang,T.-L., Browning, C., Schlosser, P., Mohamed, I., GRUNDGEIGER, T. Loeb, R., Sanderson, P.M. (2019). Cueing Attention to a Matrix of Values on a Head-Worn Display: Four Studies with a Multiple Patient Monitoring Task. Proceedings of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Seattle, Washington, USA. October 28 - November 1, 2019


  • Schaper, P. +, & Grundgeiger, T. (2018). The effect of different distractions on remembering delayed intentions. Memory, 26(2), 154-170. doi: org/10.1080/09658211.2017.1339090
  • Schlosser, P.*, Grundgeiger, T., & Happel, O. (2018). Multiple patient monitoring in the operating room using a head-mounted display. Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Montreal, QC, Canada: April 21–26, 2018 (acceptance rate of 39.8%).
  • Diethei, D., Grundgeiger, T., & Schöning, J. (2018). Designing a Power Plant Control Room: From Paper to Virtual Reality. Paper presented at the VRST 2018: ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, Tokyo, Japan, Nov 28 - Dec 1.


  • Grundgeiger, T., Klöffel, C.*, Mohme, S.+, Wurmb, T. & Happel, O. (2017) An investigation into the effects of real vs. simulated cases and level of experience on the distribution of visual attention during induction of general anaesthesia, Anaesthesia, 72(5), 624-632.
  • Weng, M.*, Huber, S.*, Vilgan, E.*, Grundgeiger, T. & Sanderson, P. M. (2017) Interruptions, visual cues, and the microstructure of interaction: Four laboratory studies, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 103, 77-94.
  • Grundgeiger, T., Pichen, J.*, Häfner, J.*, Wallmann-Sperlich, B., Löffler, D. & Huber, S. (2017) Combating Sedentary Behavior: An App Based on a Distributed Prospective Memory Approach, Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems ACM), 1632-1639
  • Grundgeiger, T., Hester, J.*, Held, V., & Hurtienne, J. (2017) Beyond Knowledge Acquisition: Medical Device Training as a Cooperative Process, Companion of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (Portland, Oregon, USA, ACM), 187-190.
  • Diethei, D., Ertle, F., Grundgeiger, T., Mengelkamp, C. & Held, V. (2017) E-Learning vs. E-Learning with Hands-on: An Experimental Study to Improve Clinical Skills, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 61(1), 660-660.
  • Grundgeiger, T., Wurmb, T., & Happel, O. (2017). Experience of a Human Factor – Medical Collaboration: The Development, Evaluation, and Implementation of an Application to Support In-Hospital Resuscitation Teams. Presentation at the 2017 International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, March 5–8, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Schaper, P.+, & Grundgeiger, T. (2017). The role of response suppression in commission errors. Accepted at the 20th European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP) Conference, September 3-6, Potsdam.
  • Wurmb, T., Huber, S., Grundgeiger, T., Reinhardt, D., Steinisch, A., & Happel, O. (2017). “Cognitive Aid“ und Echtzeit-Dokumentation bei innerklinischen Reanimationen: Weiterentwicklung einer Tablet-PC basierten „App“. Presentation at the Wissenschaftliche Arbeitstage Notfallmedizin (WATN) 2017, 12.-13.02.17, Kiel.
  • Schaper, P.+, & Grundgeiger, T. (2017). I should have stopped – Investigating the role of response suppression in commission errors. In Goschke, T., Bolte, A., & Kirschbaum, C.(Eds.), Beiträge zur 59.Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (p. 127).
  • Außenhofer, T.*, Diethei, F.*, Ertle, F.* & Grundgeiger, T. (2017). Typische vs. untypische Platzierung von Webobjekten mobiler Webseiten. Mensch & Computer 2017, Regensburg, Germany: Sep 08 – 12, 2017.


  • Grundgeiger, T., Albert, M.*, Reinhardt, R. *, Happel, O., Steinisch, M., & Wurmb, T. (2016). Real-time table-based resuscitation documentation by the team lead: Evaluating documentation quality and clinical performance. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 24(1), 1-7.
  • Schaper, P.+, & Grundgeiger, T. (2016). Commission errors in delay-execute prospective memory tasks. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. doi:10.1080/17470218.2016.1187182
  • Grundgeiger, T., Dekker, S., Sanderson, P., Liu, D., Brecknell, B., & Aitken, L. M. (2016). Obstacles to research on the effects of interruptions in healthcare. BMJ Quality and Safety, 25(6), 392-395.
  • Grundgeiger,T., Kolb, L.*, Korb, M.O.*, Mengelkamp. C., & Held, V. (2016). Training students to use syringe pumps: An experimental comparison of e-learning and classroom training. Biomedical Engineering/Biomedizinische Technik, 61(2), 211–220.
  • Grundgeiger, T., Klöffel, C.*, Mohme, S.+, Wurmb, T., & Happel, O. (2016). Eye tracking in anesthesiology: A preliminary analysis of the effect of the environment (simulated vs. real) on visual attention. Paper presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Washington DC, September 19–23, 2016, p. 531.
  • Schlosser, P.*, Sanderson, P. M., Grundgeiger, T., Loeb, R., & Liu, D. (2016). The effect of conventional screens vs. head-mounted displays on alarm monitoring strategies. Paper presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Washington DC, September 19–23, 2016, p.1555.
  • Wurmb, T., Happel, O., Albert, T.M.*, Reinhardt, D.*, Kraft, A.-K.*, Steinisch, A., & Grundgeiger, T. (2016). Echtzeit-Dokumentation bei innerklinischen Reanimationen: Chronik der Entwicklung einer Tablet-PC basierten „App“. Presented at Wissenschaftliche Arbeitstage Notfallmedizin
    WATN) 2016, 07.02.16 - 08.02.16, Kiel.


  • Grundgeiger, T., Roewer, R., Grundgeiger, J., Hurtienne, J. &., Happel, O. (2015). Body posture during simulated tracheal intubation: Video laryngoscopy causes a more ergonomic posture than direct laryngoscopy for experts and novices. Anaesthesia, 70 (12), 1375-81.
  • Sanderson, P., & Grundgeiger, T. (2015). How do interruptions affect clinician performance in healthcare? Negotiating fidelity, control, and potential generalizability in the search for answers. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 79, 85-96.
  • Grundgeiger, T., Wurmb, T., & Happel, O. (2015). Eye tracking in anesthesiology: Literature review, methodological issues, and research topics. Paper accepted for the Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Los Angeles, CA: October 26–30, 2015.
  • Reinhardt, D.*, Kraft, A-K.*, Albert, M.*, Grundgeiger, T., Happel, O., Steinisch, A., &. Wurmb, T. (2015). Development and formative evaluation of the DoRea App for real-time resuscitation documentation. Paper accepted for the Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Los Angeles, CA: October 26–30, 2015.
  • Schaper, P.+, & Grundgeiger, T. (2015). The effects of divided attention on commission errors in the delay execute paradigm. In Bermeitinger, C., Mojzisch, A., & Greve, W. (Eds.), Beiträge zur 57.Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (p.219)



  • Grundgeiger, T., Harris, B., Ford, N., Sanderson, P., & Venkatesh, B. (2014). Emergency medical equipment storage: Benefits of visual cues tested in field and simulated settings. Human Factors, 56(5), 958-972.
  • Grundgeiger, T., Sanderson, P., & Dismukes, R. K. (2014). Prospective memory in complex sociotechnical systems. Zeitschrift für Psychologie. 222(2), 100-109.
  • Grundgeiger, T. (2014). Noncompetitive retrieval practice causes retrieval-induced forgetting in cued recall but not in recognition. Memory & Cognition, 42(3), 400-408.
  • Grundgeiger, T., Bayen, U. J., & Horn, S. (2014). Effects of sleep deprivation on prospective memory. Memory, 22(6), 679-686.
  • Huber, S.*, Weng, M.*, Grundgeiger, T., & Sanderson, P. (2014). The effect of visual cues on how people handle interruptions. Paper accepted for Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Chicago, IL: 27 - 31 October. [Won HFES Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making TG Best Student Paper Award]
  • Grundgeiger, T., Scharf, M., Grundgeiger, J., & Scheuchenpflug, R. (2014). Manual distractions of ambulance drivers: Light-and-siren vs. non-light-and-siren travel. Paper accepted for Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Chicago, IL: 27 - 31 October.
  • Grundgeiger, T., Happel, O., Grundgeiger, J., & Roewer, R. (i2014). Body posture during simulated tracheal intubation: Comparison of the effects of video laryngoscopy and direct laryngoscopy. Paper accepted for Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Chicago, IL: 27 - 31 October.


  • Grundgeiger, T., Sanderson, P. M., Beltran Orihuela, C., Thompson, A.,    MacDougall, H. G., Nunnink, L., & Venkatesh, B. (2013). Remembering Future Tasks in the ICU: The Effect of Visual Cues on Task Execution in a Representative Simulation. Ergonomics, 56(4), 579-589.
  • Bayen, U. J., Dogangün, A., Grundgeiger, T., Haese, A., Stockmanns, G., & Ziegler, J. (2013). Evaluating the effectiveness of a memory aid system. Gerontology, 59(1), 77-84.
  • Harris, B., Ford, N., Grundgeiger, T., Sanderson, P., & Venkatesh, B. (2013). Evaluating the redesign of an ICU bedside emergency equipment drawer. Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES2013). San Diego, CA: 30 September-4 October.
  • Grundgeiger, T. (2013). Prospective Memory in Critical Care. Accepted for the 121st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, Hawaii, HI: July 31 - August 4, 2013. [Invited talk forAPA Div 21George E. Briggs Dissertation Award 2012]
  • Grundgeiger, T., & Sanderson, P. (2013). Prospective Memory in Safety-critical Domains. In Ansorge, U., Kirchler, E., Lamm, C., & Leder, H. (Eds.), Beiträge zur 54.Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (p. 102).


  • Grundgeiger, T.‚ Bayen, U.J., & Horn, S.S. (2012). Effects of sleep deprivation on prospective memory. In Bröder, A., Erdfelder, E., Hilbig, B. E., Meiser, T., Pohl, R.F., & Stahlberg,D. (Eds.), Beiträge zur 53.Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (p. 280).



  • Dogangün, A., & Grundgeiger, T., Bayen, U. J., Haese, A., Stockmanns, G., & Ziegler, J. (2011). Der Awareness-Assistent: Ergebnisse einer Wirksamkeitsevaluation der elektronischen Gedächtnisassistenten. Paper presented at the REHACARE Internationale, Düsseldorf, Germany: 21-24 September 2011.
  • Grundgeiger, T. (2011). Distractions and interruptions in the intensive care unit. Invited talk at National Nursing Research Unit and the Patient Safety & Service Quality Research Centre, King’s College London, UK, 14 Mar 2011


  • Grundgeiger, T., Sanderson, P.M., Venkatesh, B., & MacDougall, H. (2010). Interruption management in the intensive care unit: Predicting resumption times and assessing distributed support. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. 16(4), 317-334.
  • Grundgeiger, T., Sanderson, P., Beltran Orihuela, C., Thompson, A., McDougall, H., Nunnink, L., & Venkatesh, B. (2010). Distractions and interruptions in the intensive care unit: A field observation and a simulator experiment. Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. San Francisco, CA: 27 September - 1 October. [Finalist for Alphonse Chapanis Student Paper Award]
  • Grundgeiger, T., Sanderson, P. M., Beltran Orihuela, C., Thompson, A., MacDougall, H. G., Nunnink, L., & Venkatesh, B. (2010). Using a full-scale simulation environment to investigate how nurses remember future intentions. Proceedings of the SimTecT 2010 Healthcare Simulation conference. Melbourne, VIC; 30 Aug - 2 Sep 2010.
    [Selected as “TOP 20 abstract” for publication in Simulation In Healthcare: Grundgeiger, T, et al. (2010). Using a full-scale simulation environment to investigate how nurses remember future intentions. Simulation in Healthcare, 5(6), 366.]
  • Grundgeiger, T., Sanderson, P., Beltran Orihuela, C., Thompson, A., McDougall, H., Nunnink, L., & Venkatesh, B. (2010). Prospective memory in intensive care nursing. The 3rd International Conference on Prospective Memory. Vancouver, Canada: 28-30 July 2010.



  • Grundgeiger, T., & Sanderson, P. (2009). Interruptions in healthcare: Theoretical views. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 78, 293-307.
  • Liu, D., Grundgeiger, T., & Sanderson, P., Jenkins, S., & Leane, T. (2009). Interruptions and blood transfusion checks: Lessons from the simulated operating room. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 108(1), 219-222.
  • Grundgeiger, T., Sanderson, P. M., MacDougall, H. G., & Venkatesh, B. (2009). Distributed prospective memory: An approach to understanding how nurses remember tasks. Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. San Antonio, TX: 19-23 October.
  • Grundgeiger, T., Sanderson, P. M., MacDougall, H. G., & Venkatesh, B. (2009). How nurses overcome interruptions: an analysis of distributed support.  Proceedings of the 17th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA2009). Beijing, PRC: 9-14 August 2009.
  • Grundgeiger, T. (2009). Invited short summary of students' perceptions of the conference at the closing ceremony. 17th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA2009). Beijing, PRC: 9-14 August 2009.



  • Grundgeiger, T., Sanderson, P., Jenkins, S., & Leane, T. (2008). Effects of interruptions on prospective memory performance in anesthesiology. Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. New York, NY: 22-26 September 2008.
  • Liu, D., Grundgeiger, T., Sanderson, P. M., Leane, T., Jenkins, S. (2008). Interruptions, distractions and situation awareness in advanced display studies. Abstract for Society for Technology in Anesthesia (STA2008) Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA: 16-19 Jan, 2008. [Won Best Abstract Award in the area of Anesthesia Information Systems].



  • Aslan, A., Bäuml, K.-H., & Grundgeiger, T. (2007). The role of inhibitory processes in part-list cuing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 33(2), 335-341.



  • Grundgeiger, T., Alsan, A., & Bäuml, K.-H. (2006). Die negative Wirkung von Hinweisreizen beim episodischen Erinnern: Evidenz für inhibitorische Prozesse. In Hecht, H., Berti, S., Meinhardt, G. & Gamer, M. (Eds.), Beiträge zur. 48.Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (p. 264).