Psychologische Ergonomie

PsyErgo auf der Designing Interactive Systems Konferenz 2024 (DIS’24)


Die ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems ist eine große Konferenz, die sich mit der Gestaltung neuer interaktiver Technologien beschäftigt. Auf der ausverkauften DIS’24 trafen sich Designer:innen, HCIler:innen, Informatiker:innen, (…) in diesem Jahr in Kopenhagen um auch über das Fokusthema „why design?“ zu diskutieren.

Sara Wolf war Ko-Organisatorin des Workshops „Sensing Heritage: Exploring Creative Approaches for Capturing, Experiencing and Safeguarding the Sensorial Aspects of Cultural Heritage“, und präsentierte im Rahmen des Workshops ihre Forschung zu Ritualen und interaktiven Technologien.


Der Workshop:

Whilst there is increasing work investigating the role of digital documentation, interpretation, and augmentation of cultural heritage, such interventions have largely focused on visual and sometimes auditory modalities, neglecting the full spectrum of human senses. With this workshop we seek to bring together an interdisciplinary group of researchers, designers, practitioners and community members to explore creative approaches for documenting and experiencing cultural heritage’s rich sensory dimensions extending beyond visual-based approaches to encompass sound, smell, taste, and touch. The workshop directly aligns with the conference’s exploration of “Why Design?” by utilising design as a powerful, empathetic, and participatory tool for safeguarding cultural heritage. Our goal is to extend our understanding of concepts, methods and technologies for capturing and experiencing sensory heritage, advocating for a holistic approach that celebrates and communicates the profound sensory diversity of human cultures, inspiring a shift in how we document, interpret and share cultural heritage.


Sophia Ppali, Marina Pasia, Sara Wolf, Jihae Han, Reese Muntean, Minyoung Yoo, Kasper Rodil, Arne Berger, Andreas Papallas, Luigina Ciolfi, John Stevens, and Alexandra Covaci. 2024. Sensing Heritage: Exploring Creative Approaches for Capturing, Experiencing and Safeguarding the Sensorial Aspects of Cultural Heritage. In Companion Publication of the 2024 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS '24 Companion). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 445–448.

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