Workshop for PhD Students Mediapsychology 2013

Pre-conference PhD workshop
Preceding the 8th Media Psychology Conference of the German Psychological Association, a workshop for PhD students took place at Julius-Maximilians University Wuerzburg. All PhD students working on topics from media psychology and related areas were welcome to apply -especially students who are pursuing an academic career after their dissertations.
The one day workshop took place on the day before the 8th Media Psychology Conference (on Wednesday, September 4, 2013, 10 am to 6 pm) at Julius-Maximilians University Wuerzburg. As part of this workshop, students worked on their individual writing and presentation skills, received advice on career planning, and had an opportunity for networking. The entire workshop was conducted in English.
To enable intensive group work and mentoring, only 12 PhD students were accepted. Participation was subsidized by the Media Psychology Division of the German Psychological Society, including a partial grant for accommodation costs as well as half of the participation fee for the subsequent Media Psychology conference. Travel costs and meals, however, (as well as costs that go beyond the said subsidy by the German Research Foundation) had to be covered by the students themselves.