Koch, M. J., Carolus, A. Straka, S., Latoschik, M. E., & Wienrich, C. (2023, November 6–7). MAILS - Meta AI Literacy Scale: Development and testing of an AI Literacy questionnaire based on well-founded competency models and psychological change- and meta-competencies [Conference presentation]. 2nd TRR 318 Conference “Measuring Understanding”, Paderborn, Germany.
Koch, M. J., Kersten, K., Greve, W. (2023, June 7–10). Multilingualism influences emotional competence via cultural frame switching but not language switching, executive functions or divergent thinking: Support for the stimulation hypothesis [Conference presentation]. EBFL – Multilingualism in education 2023. Monte Verità, Switzerland.
Bruhn, A.-C., Koch, M. J. & Kersten, K. (2023, March 18–21). The interplay of young learners’ verbal self-concept and linguistic competences over time in monolingual and bilingual settings [Conference presentation]. AAAL 2023 Conference, Portland, OR, United States.
Baumgart, J., Koch, M. J. & Kersten, K. (2022, August 29–31). Implementation of technology-mediated TBLT in primary EFL classrooms [Conference presentation]. 9th International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching, Innsbruck, Austria.
Bruhn, A.-C., Koch, M. J., Kersten, K. (2022, August 24–27). The development of verbal self-concept and linguistic competencies of young learners in monolingual and bilingual settings [Conference presentation]. EuroSLA 31, 2022, Fribourg, Swiss.
Koch, M. J., Kersten, K., Greve, W. (2022, August 24–27). An emotional advantage of multilingualism: What can degree of multiligualism tell us about emotional competence? [Conference presentation]. EuroSLA 31, 2022, Fribourg, Swiss.
Akram, T., Blackman, A., Funke, F.L., Kliebisch, M., Koch, M., & Kersten, K. (2021, December 10–11). Effekt von Inputqualität auf Deutsch- und Englischkompetenzen [Poster presentation]. 5. Konferenz: Fortschritte im frühen Fremdsprachenlernen, Virtual event.
Koch, M. J., Kersten, K., & Greve, W. (2021, August 15–20). Beyond language: The long-term benefits of multilingualism for self-regulation [Conference presentation]. AILA World Congress 2021, Virtual event, Groningen, Netherlands.
Koch, M. J., Kersten, K., & Greve, W. (2021, March 20–23). Implicational scaling in L2 receptive grammatical skill: Is it deterministic or probabilistic? [Conference presentation]. AAAL 2021, Virtual event.
Kersten, K., Bruhn, A.-C., Koch, M. J., & Schriek, J. (2019, August 28–31). The effect of L2 input and cognitively stimulating tasks on Second Language Acquisition [Conference presentation]. EuroSLA 29 2019, Lund, Sweden.