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Kommunikationspsychologie und Neue Medien


Hier finden Sie alle Publikationen mit Beteiligung des Lehrstuhls der letzten Jahre (seit 2017).

Zeitschriftenartikel (peer-reviewed, ab 2017)

In press/advance online publications

Hutmacher, F. & Aufschnaiter, S. (in press). An art exhibition on creative activities of family members of persons with dementia as an effective tool for science communication: A qualitative assessment study. Health Communication. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2025.2460849

Messingschlager, T. V., & Appel, M. (in press). Mind ascribed to AI and the appreciation of AI-generated art. New Media & Society, Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/14614448231200248


Hutmacher, F., & Franz, D. J. (2025). Approaching psychology’s current crises by exploring the vagueness of psychological concepts: Recommendations for advancing the discipline. American Psychologist, 80(2), 220–231. https://doi.org/10.1037/amp0001300


Green, M. C., & Appel, M. (2024). Narrative transportation: How stories shape how we see ourselves and the world. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 70, 182. https://doi.org/10.1016/bs.aesp.2024.03.002

Grundke, A. (2024). If machines outperform humans: Status threat evoked by and willingness to interact with sophisticated machines in a work-related context. Behaviour & Information Technology, 43(7), 1348–1364 . https://doi.org/10.1080/0144929X.2023.2210688

Grundke, A., Appel, M., & Stein, J.-P. (2024). Aversion against machines with complex mental abilities: The role of individual differences. Computers in Human Behavior: Artificial Humans, 2(2), Article 100087. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chbah.2024.100087

Hutmacher, F. (2024). Listening to a voice from the periphery: A female German life 1934-2022. Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies, 24(5), 389–398. https://doi.org/10.1177/15327086241237999

Hutmacher, F., Appel, M., Schätzlein, B., & Mengelkamp, C. (2024). Fluid intelligence but not need for cognition is associated with attitude change in response to the correction of misinformation. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 9, Article 64. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41235-024-00595-1

Hutmacher, F., Appel, M., & Schwan, S. (2024). Understanding autobiographical memory in the digital age: The AMEDIA-model. Psychological Inquiry, 35(2), 83–105. https://doi.org/10.1080/1047840X.2024.2384125

Hutmacher, F., Appel, M., & Schwan, S. (2024). Remembering our lives in the 21st century. Psychological Inquiry, 35(2), 150–157. https://doi.org/10.1080/1047840X.2024.2384128

Hutmacher, F., Reichardt, R., & Appel, M. (2024). Motivated reasoning about climate change and the influence of Numeracy, Need for Cognition, and the Dark Factor of Personality. Scientific Reports, 14, Article 5615. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-55930-9

Messingschlager, T. V., & Appel, M. (2024). Creative artificial intelligence and narrative transportation. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 18(5), 848–857. https://doi.org/10.1037/aca0000495

Mihalca, L., Ratiu, L., Mengelkamp, C., Brendea, G., & Metz, D. (2024). The role of self-regulatory abilities in predicting performance while teleworking: A cross-sectional and a panel study during the COVID-19 pandemic. Human Resource Development Quarterly. https://doi.org/10.1002/hrdq.21523

Schmitt, J. B., & Winkler, J. R. (2024). Populistische Stimmen in extremistischen Online-Videos – eine Inhaltsanalyse von rechtsextremen und islamistischen YouTube-Videos. ZRex – Zeitschrift Für Rechtsextremismusforschung, 4(2), 209–229. https://doi.org/10.3224/zrex.v4i2.05

Stein, J.-P., Breves, P. L., & Anders, N. (2024). Parasocial interactions with real and virtual influencers: The role of perceived similarity and human-likeness. New Media & Society, 26(6), 3433–3453. https://doi.org/10.1177/14614448221102900

Stein, J.-P., Messingschlager, T., Gnambs, T., Hutmacher, F., & Appel, M. (2024). Attitudes towards AI: measurement and associations with personality. Scientific Reports, 14, Article 2909. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-53335-2

Stein, J.-P., Scheufen, S., & Appel, M. (2024). Recognizing the beauty in diversity: Exposure to body-positive content on social media broadens women's concept of ideal body weight. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 153(11), 2642–2656. https://doi.org/10.1037/xge0001397

Winkler, J. R., & Appel, M. (2024). Measuring dynamic emotional experiences in response to media stimuli. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, Article 1436918. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1436918


Appel, M., & Gnambs, T. (2023). Women in fiction: Bechdel-Wallace Test results for the highest-grossing movies of the last four decades. Psychology of Popular Media, 12(4), 499–504. https://doi.org/10.1037/ppm0000436

Appel, M., Hutmacher, F., Politt, T., & Stein, J. P. (2023). Swipe right? Using beauty filters in male Tinder profiles reduces women's evaluations of trustworthiness but increases physical attractiveness and dating intention. Computers in Human Behavior, 148, Article 107871. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2023.107871

de Miquel, C., Moneta, M., Weber, S., Lorenz, C., Olaya, B., & Haro, J. (2023). The mediating role of general and cognitive stress on the effect of an app-based intervention on productivity measures in workers: Randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 25, Article e42317. https://doi.org/10.2196/42317

Grundke, A., Stein, J.-P., & Appel, M. (2023). Improving evaluations of advanced robots by depicting them in harmful situations. Computers in Human Behavior, 140, Article 107565. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2022.107565

Hruschka, T. M. J., & Appel, M. (2023). Learning about informal fallacies and the detection of fake news: An experimental intervention. PloS ONE, 18(3): Article e0283238. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0283238

Hutmacher, F. (2023). Taking methodological pluralism seriously: Considerations based on the work of Norbert Groeben. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, Article 1215737. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1215737

Hutmacher, F. (2023). Vom Ertasten eines Elefanten in einem dunklen Raum: Philosophische, psychologische und literaturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf demenzielle Erkrankungen. cultura & psyché, 4(2), 203–214. https://doi.org/10.1007/s43638-023-00073-3

Hutmacher, F. & Appel, M. (2023). The psychology of personalization in digital environments: From motivation to well-being – a theoretical integration. Review of General Psychology, 27(1), 26-40. https://doi.org/10.1177/10892680221105663

Hutmacher, F., & Mayrhofer, R. (2023). Psychology as a historical science? Theoretical assumptions, methodological considerations, and potential pitfalls. Current Psychology, 42, 18507–18514. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-022-03030-0

Hutmacher, F., Schläger, L., & Meerson, R. (2023). Autobiographical memory in the digital age: Insights based on the subjective reports of users of smart journaling apps. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 37(4), 686-698. https://doi.org/10.1002/acp.4033

Hutmacher, F. & Schwan, S. (2023). Remembering beloved objects from early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescence and the role of the five senses. Memory, 31(2), 270-281. https://doi.org/10.1080/09658211.2022.2152462

Lenhart, J., Richter, T., Appel, M., & Mar, R. (2023). Adolescent leisure reading and its longitudinal association with prosocial behavior and social adjustment. Scientific Reports, 13, Article 9695. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-35346-7

Rudloff, J. P., & Appel, M. (2023). When truthiness trumps truth: Epistemic beliefs predict the accurate discernment of fake news. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 12(3), 344–351. https://doi.org/10.1037/mac0000070

Rudloff, J. P., Hutmacher, F., & Appel, M. (2023). Post-truth epistemic beliefs rooted in the Dark Factor of Personality are associated with higher COVID-19 vaccination refusal. Scientific Reports, 13, Article 4254. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-31079-9

Schmidt, M.-L. C. R., Winkler, J. R., Appel, M., & Richter, T. (2023). Emotional shifts, event-congruent emotions, and transportation in narrative persuasion. Discourse Processes, 60(7), 502–521. https://doi.org/10.1080/0163853X.2023.2252696

Schmidt, M.-L. C. R., Winkler, J. R., Appel, M., & Richter, T. (2023). Tracking emotional shifts during story reception: The relationship between narrative structure and affective responses. Scientific Study of Literature, 12(1), 17–39. https://ssol-journal.com/articles/177

Stein, J.-P. (2023). Smile Back at Me, But Only Once: Social Norms of Appropriate Nonverbal Intensity and Reciprocity Apply to Emoji Use. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 47(2), 245–266. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10919-023-00424-x

Stein, J.-P., & Banks, J. (2023). Valenced Media Effects on Robot-Related Attitudes and Mental Models: A Parasocial Contact Approach. Human-Machine Communication, 6, 155–182. https://doi.org/10.30658/hmc.6.9

Trepte, S., Reinecke, L., Gimmler, R., Gleich, U., Winter, S., Frischlich, L., Krämer, N., Appel, M., Hutmacher, F., Mengelkamp, C., Stein J.-P., & Weber, S. (2023). Berufsfelder der Medienpsychologie. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:100-opus-21288

Weber, S., Appel, M., Steffens, M. C., & Hirschhäuser, V. (2023). Just a joke? Can sexist comedy harm women’s cognitive performance?. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 17(5), 608-618. https://doi.org/10.1037/aca0000369

Winkler, J. R., Appel, M., Schmidt, M.-L. C. R., & Richter, T. (2023). The experience of emotional shifts in narrative persuasion. Media Psychology, 26(2), 141-171. https://doi.org/10.1080/15213269.2022.2103711


Appel, M. (2022). Affective resistance to narrative persuasion. Journal of Business Research, 149, 850-859. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.05.001

Appel, M., & Mengelkamp, C. (2022). Watching videos on a smartphone: Do small screens impair narrative transportation? Media Psychology 25(5), 653-674. https://doi.org/10.1080/15213269.2021.2025109

Appel, M. & Prietzel, F. (2022). The detection of political deepfakes. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 27(4), Article 5. https://doi.org/10.1093/jcmc/zmac008

Breves, P. L., & Stein, J.-P. (2022). Cognitive load in immersive media settings: The role of spatial presence and cybersickness. Virtual Reality. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10055-022-00697-5

Grundgeiger, T., Ertle, F., Diethei, D., Mengelkamp, C., & Held, V. (2022). Improving procedural skills acquisition of students during medical device training: experiments on e-Learning vs. e-Learning with hands-on. Advances in Health Sciences Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10459-022-10148-0

Grundke, A., Stein, J.-P., & Appel, M. (2022). Mind-reading machines: Distinct user responses to thought-detecting and emotion-detecting robots. Technology, Mind, and Behavior, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.1037/tmb0000053

Hutmacher, F. (2022). Gerd Jüttemann’s ‘Historical Psychology’: Why it should have succeeded, why it was ignored, and what that means for the future. Theory & Psychology, 32(6), 868-887. https://doi.org/10.1177/09593543221122735

Hutmacher, F., & Morgenroth, K. (2022). The beginning of the life story: The meaning of the earliest autobiographical memory from an adult perspective. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 36(3), 612-622. https://doi.org/10.1002/acp.3948

Hutmacher, F., Reichardt, R., & Appel, M. (2022). The role of motivated science reception and numeracy in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Public Understanding of Science, 31(1), 19-34. https://doi.org/10.1177/09636625211047974

Hutmacher, F. & Schouwink, K. (2022). ”It is the beautiful things that let us live”: How engaging in creative activities outside of standardized interventions helps family members of persons with dementia. Dementia, 21(2), 396-409. https://doi.org/10.1177/14713012211041804

Mara, M., Appel, M., & Gnambs, T. (2022). Human-like robots and the uncanny valley: A meta-analysis of user responses based on the Godspeed Scales. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 230(1), 33-46. https://doi.org/10.1027/2151-2604/a000486

Marker, C., Gnambs, T., & Appel, M. (2022). Exploring the myth of the chubby gamer: A meta-analysis on sedentary video gaming and body mass. Social Science and Medicine, 301, Article 112325. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2019.05.030

Mihalca, L., Mengelkamp, C., Brendea, G., & Metz, D. (2022). Job attribute preferences of incoming university students and newly-hired employees in the context of the romanian labour market. Journal of East European Management Studies, 27(1), 31-63. https://doi.org/10.5771/0949-6181-2022-1-31

Schelhorn, I., Buchner, E., Kosak, F., Hutmacher, F., Kinateder, M., & Shiban, Y. (2022). The effect of induced COVID-19-related fear on psychological distance and time perception. Cognition and Emotion, 36(1), 82-91. https://doi.org/10.1080/02699931.2021.2005543

Stein, J.-P., Liebers, N., & Faiss, M. (2022). Feeling better...but also less lonely? An experimental investigation of how parasocial and social relationships affect people’s well-being. Mass Communication and Society. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/15205436.2022.2127369

Rudloff, J. P., Hutmacher, F., & Appel, M. (2022). Beliefs about the nature of knowledge shape responses to the pandemic: Epistemic beliefs, the dark factor of personality, and COVID-19-related conspiracy ideation and behavior. Journal of Personality, 90, 937955. https://doi.org/10.1111/jopy.12706

Stein, J.-P., Cimander, P. & Appel, M. (2022). Power-posing robots: The influence of a humanoid robot’s posture and size on its perceived dominance, competence, eeriness, and threat. International Journal of Social Robotics, 14, 1413-1422. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12369-022-00878-x

Weber, S., Messingschlager, T., & Stein, J.-P. (2022). This is an Insta-vention! Exploring cognitive countermeasures to reduce negative consequences of social comparisons on Instagram. Media Psychology, 25(3), 411-440. https://doi.org/10.1080/15213269.2021.1968440

Weber, S., Olsen, M., & Martiny, S. E. (2022). Effects of instagram sports posts on the athletic motivation of female elite athletes: Do they inspire or backfire?. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 58, Article 102080. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychsport.2021.102080

Winkler, J. R., Mengelkamp, C., & Appel, M. (2022). Real-time responses to stories: Linking valence shifts to post-exposure emotional flow and transportation. Communication Research Reports, 39(5), 237-247. https://doi.org/10.1080/08824096.2022.2119380


Appel, M., & Weber, S. (2021). Do mass mediated stereotypes harm members of negatively stereotyped groups? A meta-analytical review on media-generated stereotype threat and stereotype lift. Communication Research, 48(2), 151-179. https://doi.org/10.1177/0093650217715543 

Appel, M., Lugrin, B., Kühle, M. & Heindl, C. (2021). The emotional robotic storyteller: On the influence of affect congruency on narrative transportation, robot perception, and persuasion. Computers in Human Behavior, 120, 106749. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2021.106749

Donnermann, M., Lein, M., Messingschlager, T., Riedmann, A., Schaper, P., Steinhaeusser, S., & Lugrin, B. (2021). Social Robots and Gamification for technology supported learning: An empirical study on engagement and motivation. Computers in Human Behavior, 121, Article 106792. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2021.106792

Hutmacher, F. & Lutz, P. (2021). Was macht Hochschullehre schwierig? Eine qualitative Interviewstudie mit erfahrenen Dozierenden. Der pädagogische Blick, 29(2), 105-117.

Hutmacher, F. & Mayrhofer, R. (2021). Die Psychologie der Jetzt-Zeit. Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme methodischer Monokultur in der akademischen Psychologie. psychosozial, 44(3), 99-108. https://doi.org/10.30820/0171-3434-2021-3-99

Hutmacher, F. (2021). Do you remember? Differences and similarities between the earliest childhood memories for the five senses. Memory, 29, 345-352. https://doi.org/10.1080/09658211.2021.1895222

Hutmacher, F. (2021). Erkundungen eines fremden Zustands: Demenzdarstellungen in Ulrike Draesners Erzählungen Ichs Heimweg macht alles alleine (2006) und Ichs Heimweg macht alles allein (2011). Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie, 140(4), 551-571. https://doi.org/10.37307/j.1868-7806.2021.04.05

Hutmacher, F. (2021). Putting stress in historical context: Why it is important that being stressed out was not a way to be a person 2.000 years ago. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, Article 539799. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.539799

Hutmacher, F. (2021). Understanding the self of people with dementia: Psychological and philosophical considerations. Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 54, 161-166. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00391-020-01718-1

Mara, M., Stein, J.-P., Latoschik, M. E., Lugrin, B., Schreiner, C., Hostettler, R., & Appel, M. (2021). User responses to a humanoid robot observed in real life, virtual reality, 3D and 2D. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, Article 633178.

Oliver, M. B., Raney, A. A., Janicke-Bowles, S. H., Dale, K. R., Appel, M., & Bartsch, A. (2021). Model of media inspiration. Journal of Media Psychology, 33(4), 191-201. https://doi.org/10.1027/1864-1105/a000305

Stein, J.-P. (2021). Conjuring up the departed in virtual reality: The good, the bad, and the potentially ugly. Psychology of Popular Media, 10(4), 505–510. https://doi.org/10.1037/ppm0000315

Stein, J.-P., Krause, E., & Ohler, P. (2021). Every (Insta-)gram counts? Applying cultivation theory to explore the effects of Instagram on young users’ body image. Psychology of Popular Media, 10(1), 87–97. https://doi.org/10.1037/ppm000026

Stein, J.-P., & Yeo, J. (2021). Investigating meal-concurrent media use: Social and dispositional predictors, intercultural differences, and the novel media phenomenon of "mukbang" eating broadcasts. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 3(5), 956–968. https://doi.org/10.1002/hbe2.306

Weber, S., Stiglbauer, B., Kronberger, N., & Appel, M. (2021). The individual development of cultural identity and psychological well-being among adolescents with a migrant background in Austria: A longitudinal study. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology 27(4), 684–695. https://doi.org/10.1037/cdp0000451


Appel, M., Izydorczyk, D., Weber, S., Mara, M., & Lischetzke, T. (2020). The uncanny of mind in a machine: Humanoid robots as tools, agents, and experiencers. Computers in Human Behavior, 102, 274-286. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2019.07.031

Appel, M.Marker, C., & Gnambs, T. (2020). Are social media ruining our lives? A review of meta-analytic evidence. Review of General Psychology, 24, 60-74. https://doi.org/10.1177/1089268019880891

Gnambs, T., Stasielowicz, L., Wolter, I., & Appel, M. (2020). Do computer games jeopardize educational outcomes? A prospective study on gaming times and academic achievement. Psychology of Popular Media, 9, 69-82. https://doi.org/10.1037/ppm0000204

Hutmacher, F. (2020). Vom postmodernen Menschen und seiner schwierigen Suche nach dem guten Leben und dem guten Tod. Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie, 7, 15-34. https://doi.org/10.22613/zfpp/7.2.1

Hutmacher, F. (2020). Von der Poesie des Fremden – oder: Die schwierige Schönheit der ungarischen Sprache. Eine qualitative Interviewstudie mit Ungarisch-Lernenden. Ungarn-Jahrbuch, 36, 249-269.

Hutmacher, F., & Kuhbandner, C. (2020). Detailed long-term memory for unattended, irrelevant, and incidentally encoded auditory information. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149, 222-229. https://doi.org/10.1037/xge0000650

Hutmacher, F., & Kuhbandner, C. (2020). Does the attentional boost effect depend on the intentionality of encoding? Investigating the mechanisms underlying memory for visual objects presented at behaviorally relevant moments in time. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, Article 3042. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.584187 

Krause, S., & Appel, M. (2020). Stories and the self: Assimilation, contrast, and the role of being transported into the narrative world. Journal of Media Psychology, 32(2), 47–58. https://doi.org/10.1027/1864-1105/a000255

Mayrhofer, R., & Hutmacher, F. (2020). The principle of inversion: Why the quantitative-empirical paradigm cannot serve as a unifying basis for psychology as an academic discipline. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, Article 596425. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.596425

Mihalca, L., & Mengelkamp, C. (2020). Effects of induced levels of prior knowledge on monitoring accuracy and performance when learning from self-regulated problem solving. Journal of Educational Psychology, 112(4), 795-810. https://doi.org/10.1037/edu0000389

Oschatz, C., & Marker, C. (2020). Long-term persuasive effects in narrative communication research: A meta-analysis. Journal of Communication, 70, 473-496. https://doi.org/10.1093/joc/jqaa017

Stein, J.-P., & Appel, M. (2020). How to deal with researcher harassment in the social sciences. Nature Human Behavior, 5, 178–180. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-020-01011-6

Stein, J.-P., Appel, M., Jost, A., & Ohler, P. (2020). Matter over mind? How the acceptance of digital entities depends on their appearance, mental prowess, and the interaction between both. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 142, Article 102463. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhcs.2020.102463 

Tiede, K. & Appel, M. (2020). Reviews, expectations, and the experience of stories. Media Psychology 23(3), 365-390. https://doi.org/10.1080/15213269.2019.1602055


Aichele, T., & Bannert, M. (2019). Comparing the effects of marginalia and topic sentences in educational hypermedia. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 28(2), 117-138.

Appel, M., & Gnambs, T. (2019). Shyness and social media use: A meta-analytic summary of moderating and mediating effects. Computers in Human Behavior, 98, 294-301. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2019.04.018

Appel, M., Krisch, N., Stein, J.-P., & Weber, S. (2019). Smartphone zombies! Pedestrians’ distracted walking as a function of their fear of missing out. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 63, 130-133. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2019.04.003 

Appel, M., Marker, C., & Mara, M. (2019). Otakuism and the appeal of sex robots. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, Article 569. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00569

Appel, M., Schreiner, C., Isberner, M.-B., & Richter, T. (2019). The mediating role of event-congruent emotions in narrative persuasion. Poetics, 77, Article 101385. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.poetic.2019.101385

Appel, M., Slater, M. D., & Oliver, M. B. (2019). Repelled by virtue? The dark triad and eudaimonic narratives. Media Psychology, 22, 769-794. https://doi.org/10.1080/15213269.2018.1523014

Hutmacher, F. (2019). Was bedeutet es, ungarndeutsch zu sein? Identitätskonstruktion der deutschen Minderheit in Ungarn im Wandel der Zeit und in der zeitgenössischen Literatur. Ungarn-Jahrbuch35, 171-190.

Hutmacher, F. (2019). Ungarns Rolle in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts: Opfer des Vertrags von Trianon und Täter im Holocaust? Ungarn-Jahrbuch35, 271-283.

Hutmacher, F. (2019). Why is there so much more research on vision than on any other sensory modality? Frontiers in Psychology10, Article 2246. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02246

Hutmacher, F. (2019). Vom Unsagbaren sprechen: Trauma in Psychologie und Literatur am Beispiel Paul Celans. The German Quarterly92, 328-347. https://doi.org/10.1111/gequ.12112

Hutmacher, F. (2019). Vom Umgang mit Dummheit und Halbbildung – oder: Die Aktualität Robert Musils und Theodor W. Adornos. Pädagogische Korrespondenz59, 56-74.

Hutmacher, F. (2019). On the Janus-facedness of stress and modern life. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology39, 181-192. https://doi.org/10.1037/teo0000113

Gnambs, T., & Appel, M. (2019). Are robots becoming unpopular? Changes in attitudes towards autonomous robotic systems in Europe. Computers in Human Behavior, 93, 53-61. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2018.11.045

Isberner, M.-B., Richter, T., Schreiner, C., Eisenbach, Y., Sommer, C., & Appel, M. (2019). Empowering stories: Transportation into narratives with strong protagonists increases self-related control beliefs. Discourse Processes, 56, 575-598. https://doi.org/10.1080/0163853X.2018.1526032

Slater, M. D., Oliver, M. B., & Appel, M. (2019). Poignancy and mediated wisdom of experience: Narrative impacts on willingness to accept delayed rewards. Communication Research, 46, 333-354. https://doi.org/10.1177/0093650215623838

Stein, J.-P., Liebold, B., & Ohler, P. (2019). Stay back, clever thing! Linking situational control and human uniqueness concerns to the aversion against autonomous technology. Computers in Human Behavior, 95, 73–82. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2019.01.021 

Stiglbauer, B., Weber, S., & Batinic, B. (2019). Does your health really benefit from using a self-tracking device? Evidence from a longitudinal randomized control trial. Computers in Human Behavior, 94, 131-139. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2019.01.018    

Weber, S., Lorenz, C., & Hemmings, N. (2019). Improving stress and positive mental health at work via an app-based intervention: A large-scale multi-centre randomised control trial. Frontiers in Psychology – Health Psychology, 10, Article 2745. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02745 


Appel, M., Schreiner, C., Weber, S., Mara, M., & Gnambs, T (2018). Intensity of Facebook use is associated with lower self-concept clarity: Cross-sectional and longitudinal evidence. Journal of Media Psychology, 30, 160-172. https://doi.org/10.1027/1864-1105/a000192

Deublein, A., Pfeifer, A., Merbach, K., Bruckner, K., Mengelkamp, C., & Lugrin, B. (2018). Scaffolding of motivation in learning using a social robot. Computers & Education, 125, 182-190. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2018.06.015

Gnambs, T., & Appel, M. (2018). Narcissism and social networking behavior: A meta-analysis. Journal of Personality, 86, 200-212. https://doi.org/10.1111/jopy.12305

Hutmacher, F. (2018). Im Dickicht der Erinnerung: Deutungsversuche einer Kindheitserinnerung aus Goethes ‚Dichtung und Wahrheit‘. literatur für leser41, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.3726/lfl.2018.01.01

Hutmacher, F., & Kuhbandner, C. (2018). Long-term memory for haptically explored objects: Fidelity, durability, incidental encoding, and cross-modal transfer. Psychological Science29, 2031-2038. https://doi.org/10.1177/0956797618803644

Koban, K., Stein, J.-P., Eckhardt, V., & Ohler, P. (2018). Quid pro quo in Web 2.0. Connecting personality traits and Facebook usage intensity to uncivil commenting intentions in public online discussions. Computers in Human Behavior, 79,  9–18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2017.10.015  

Krause, S., & Weber, S. (2018). Lift me up by looking down: Social comparison effects of narratives. Frontiers in Psychology – Personality and Social Psychology, 9, Article 1889. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01889 

Marker, C., Gnambs, T., & Appel, M. (2018). Active on Facebook and failing at school? Meta-analytic findings on the relationship between online social networking activities and academic achievement. Educational Psychology Review, 30, 651-677. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10648-017-9430-6

Oliver, M. B., Raney, A. A., Slater, M. D., Appel, M., Hartmann, T., Bartsch, A., Schneider, F. M., Janicke, S. H., Krämer, N., Mares, M.-L., Vorderer, P., Rieger, D., Dale, K. R., & Das, E. (2018). Self-transcendent media experiences: Taking meaningful media to a higher level. Journal of Communication, 68, 380-389. https://doi.org/10.1027/1864-1105/a000255

Pieger, E., Mengelkamp, C., & Bannert, M. (2018). Disfluency as a desirable difficulty – The effects of letter deletion on monitoring and performance. Frontiers in Education - Educational Psychology, 3, Article 101. https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2018.00101

Schreiner, C., Appel, M., Isberner M.-B., & Richter, T. (2018). Argument strength and the persuasiveness of stories. Discourse Processes, 55, 371-386. https://doi.org/10.1080/0163853X.2016.1257406

Slater, M. D., Oliver, M. B., Appel, M., Tchernev, J. M., & Silver, N. A. (2018). Mediated wisdom of experience revisited: Delay discounting, acceptance of death, and closeness to future self. Human Communication Research, 44, 80-101. https://doi.org/10.1093/hcr/hqx004      

Stein, J.-P., & Ohler, P. (2018). Saving face in front of the computer? Culture and attributions of human likenes influence users’ experience of automatic facial emotion recognition. Frontiers in Digital Humanities, 7, Article 18. https://doi.org/10.3389/fdigh.2018.00018 

Stein, J.-P., & Ohler, P. (2018). Uncanny... but convincing? Inconsistency between a virtual agent's facial proportions and vocal realism reduces its credibility and attractiveness, but not its persuasive success. Interacting With Computers, 30(6), 480–491. https://doi.org/10.1093/iwc/iwy023 

Stein, J.-P., Lu, X., & Ohler, P. (2018). Mutual perceptions of Chinese and German students at a German university: Stereotypes, media influence, and evidence for a negative contact hypothesis. Compare, 49(6), 943–963. https://doi.org/10.1080/03057925.2018.1477579

Stiglbauer, B., & Weber, S. (2018). A picture paints a thousand words: The influence of taking selfies on place identification. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 58, 18-26.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2018.07.007   

Weber, S., & Hagmayer, Y. (2018). Thinking about the Joneses? Decreasing rumination about social comparison increases wellbeing. European Journal of Health Psychology, 25, 83-95. https://doi.org/10.1027/2512-8442/a000013 

Weber, S., Kronberger, N., & Appel, M. (2018). Immigrant students’ educational trajectories: The influence of cultural identity and stereotype threat. Self & Identity, 17, 211-235. https://doi.org/10.1080/15298868.2017.1380696

Weichhart, G., Stary, C., & Appel, M. (2018). The Digital Dalton Plan: Progressive education as integral part of web-based learning environments. Knowledge Management & E-Learning, 10, 25–52. https://doi.org/10.34105/j.kmel.2018.10.002


Gebbers, T., De Wit, J., & Appel, M. (2017). Transportation into narrative worlds and the motivation to change health-related behavior. International Journal of Communication, 11, 4886-4906.

Gnambs, T., & Appel, M. (2017). Is computer gaming associated with cognitive abilities? A population study among German adolescents. Intelligence, 61, 19-28. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intell.2016.12.004

Lischetzke, T., Izydorczyk, D., Hüller, C., & Appel, M. (2017). The topography of the uncanny valley and individuals’ need for structure: A nonlinear mixed effects analysis. Journal of Research in Personality, 68, 96-113. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrp.2017.02.001

Mihalca, L., Mengelkamp, C., & Schnotz, W. (2017). Accuracy of metacognitive judgments as a moderator of learner control effectiveness in problem-solving tasks. Metacognition and Learning,12, 357-379. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11409-017-9173-2 

Münchow, H., Mengelkamp, C., & Bannert, M. (2017). The better you feel the better you learn -  Do warm colours and rounded shapes enhance learning outcome in multimedia learning? Educational Research International, 2017, 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/2148139

Pieger, E., Mengelkamp, C., & Bannert, M. (2017). Fostering analytic metacognitive processes and reducing overconfidence by disfluency: The role of contrast-effects. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 31, 291–301. https://doi.org/10.1002/acp.3326 

Stein, J.-P., & Ohler, P. (2017). Venturing into the uncanny valley of mind—The influence of mind attribution on the acceptance of human-like characters in a virtual reality setting. Cognition, 160, 43–50. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cognition.2016.12.010

Bücher, Buchkapitel & Andere Veröffentlichungen


Appel, M. (2023). Das Internet als Versuchskäfig? Aufmerksamkeitssteuerung und Konditionierung. In M. Appel, F. Hutmacher, C. Mengelkamp, J.-P. Stein, & S. Weber (Hrsg.), Digital ist besser?! Psychologie der Online- und Mobilkommunikation (S. 45–59). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-66608-1_4

Appel, M. (2023). Leben im digitalen Zeitalter. In M. Appel, F. Hutmacher, C. Mengelkamp, J.-P. Stein, & S. Weber (Hrsg.), Digital ist besser?! Psychologie der Online- und Mobilkommunikation (S. 3–13). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-66608-1_1

Appel, M., Hutmacher, F., Mengelkamp, C., Stein, J.-P., & Weber, S. (Hrsg.). (2023). Digital ist besser?! Psychologie der Online- und Mobilkommunikation. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-66608-1

Appel, M. & Weber, S. (2023). Identität und Selbst.  In M. Appel, F. Hutmacher, C. Mengelkamp, J.-P. Stein, & S. Weber (Hrsg.), Digital ist besser?! Psychologie der Online- und Mobilkommunikation (S. 61–76). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-66608-1_5

Hutmacher, F., & Weber, S. (2023). Grundlagen der menschlichen Kommunikation. In M. Appel, F. Hutmacher, C. Mengelkamp, J.-P. Stein, & S. Weber (Hrsg.), Digital ist besser?! Psychologie der Online- und Mobilkommunikation (S. 15–29). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-66608-1_2

Mengelkamp, C. (2023). Lernen mit digitalen Medien. In M. Appel, F. Hutmacher, C. Mengelkamp, J.-P. Stein, & S. Weber (Hrsg.), Digital ist besser?! Psychologie der Online- und Mobilkommunikation (S. 125–138). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-66608-1_9

Rudloff, J. P., & Appel, M. (2023). Fake News. In M. Appel, F. Hutmacher, C. Mengelkamp, J.-P. Stein, & S. Weber (Hrsg.), Digital ist besser?! Psychologie der Online- und Mobilkommunikation (S. 217–232). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-66608-1_15

Stein, J.-P., Messingschlager, T. & Hutmacher, F. (2023). Künstliche Intelligenz. In M. Appel, F. Hutmacher, C. Mengelkamp, J.-P. Stein, & S. Weber (Hrsg.), Digital ist besser?! Psychologie der Online- und Mobilkommunikation (S. 247–260). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-66608-1_17

Stein, J.-P., Weber, S., Hutmacher, F. & Appel, M. (2023). Social Media und Wohlbefinden. In M. Appel, F. Hutmacher, C. Mengelkamp, J.-P. Stein, & S. Weber (Hrsg.), Digital ist besser?! Psychologie der Online- und Mobilkommunikation (S. 95–110). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-66608-1_7

Weber, S. & Stein, J.-P. (2023). Gender, Diversität und digitale Kommunikation. In M. Appel, F. Hutmacher, C. Mengelkamp, J.-P. Stein, & S. Weber (Hrsg.), Digital ist besser?! Psychologie der Online- und Mobilkommunikation (S. 77–93). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-66608-1_6

Winkler, J. & Appel, M. (2023). Geschichten, Unterhaltung und Inspiration. In M. Appel, F. Hutmacher, C. Mengelkamp, J.-P. Stein, & S. Weber (Hrsg.), Digital ist besser?! Psychologie der Online- und Mobilkommunikation (S. 155–170). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-66608-1_11


Appel, M. (Ed.). (2020). Die Psychologie des Postfaktischen [The psychology of the post-factual]. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-58695-2

Appel, M. (2020). Die Psychologie des Postfaktischen – Einleitung und Überblick. In M. Appel (Ed.), Die Psychologie des Postfaktischen: Über Fake News. „Lügenpresse“, Clickbait & Co. (pp. 1-7). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-58695-2_1

Appel, M. (2020). Wie lässt sich das Postfaktische eindämmen? In M. Appel (Ed.), Die Psychologie des Postfaktischen: Über Fake News. „Lügenpresse“, Clickbait & Co. (pp. 205-215). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-58695-2_17 

Appel, M., & Doser, N. (2020). Fake News. In M. Appel (Ed.), Die Psychologie des Postfaktischen: Über Fake News. „Lügenpresse“, Clickbait & Co. (pp. 9-20). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-58695-2_2

Appel, M., & Mehretab, S. (2020). Verschwörungstheorien. In M. Appel (Ed.), Die Psychologie des Postfaktischen: Über Fake News. „Lügenpresse“, Clickbait & Co. (pp. 117-126). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-58695-2_11 

Appel, M., & Roder, M. (2020). Nachrichtenfaktoren: Worüber ist es wert zu berichten? In M. Appel (Ed.), Die Psychologie des Postfaktischen: Über Fake News. „Lügenpresse“, Clickbait & Co. (pp. 33-43). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-58695-2_4

Hutmacher, F., & Mayrhofer, R. (2020). Steven Pinker. In: G. Jüttemann (Hrsg.), Psychologie der Geschichte (S. 206-212). Pabst Science Publishers.

Hümpfner D., & Appel, M. (2020). Native Advertising: Werbung, die nicht als solche erkannt werden will. In M. Appel (Ed.), Die Psychologie des Postfaktischen: Über Fake News. „Lügenpresse“, Clickbait & Co. (pp. 59-66). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-58695-2_6

Hutchinson, L., & Appel, M. (2020). Die Psychologie des Gerüchts. In M. Appel (Ed.), Die Psychologie des Postfaktischen: Über Fake News. „Lügenpresse“, Clickbait & Co. (pp. 157-166). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-58695-2_14 

Mayr, J., & Appel, M. (2020). Wie Fiktionen und Einzelfälle die Welt verändern. In M. Appel (Ed.), Die Psychologie des Postfaktischen: Über Fake News. „Lügenpresse“, Clickbait & Co. (pp. 127-139). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-58695-2_12 

Messingschlager, T., & Holtz, P. (2020). Filter Bubbles und Echo Chambers. Besser unter sich bleiben? In M. Appel (Ed.), Die Psychologie des Postfaktischen: Über Fake News. „Lügenpresse“, Clickbait & Co. (pp. 91-102). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-58695-2_9 

Rieger D., Dippold J., & Appel, M. (2020). Trolle gibt es nicht nur im Märchen – Das Phänomen Trolling im Internet. In M. Appel (Ed.), Die Psychologie des Postfaktischen: Über Fake News. „Lügenpresse“, Clickbait & Co. (pp. 45-58). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-58695-2_5

Rieger, D., Winkler, J. R., Rutkowski, O., Caspari, C., Schmitt, J. B., Ernst, J., & Roth, H.-J. (2020). Förderung von Awareness zu Inhalten und Verbreitungswegen extremistischer Online-Inhalte bei Schüler*innen. In J.B. Schmitt, J. Ernst, D. Rieger & H.-J. Roth (Eds.). Propaganda und Prävention. Forschungsergebnisse, didaktische Ansätze sowie interdisziplinäre Perspektiven zur pädagogischen Arbeit zu extremistischer Internetpropaganda (pp. 217-248). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-28538-8_12 

Ripperger, K., & Appel, M. (2020). Word-of-Mouth: Von Mund-zu-Mund-Propaganda zu viralem Marketing. In M. Appel (Ed.), Die Psychologie des Postfaktischen: Über Fake News. „Lügenpresse“, Clickbait & Co. (pp. 167-176). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-58695-2_15 

Schmitt, J.B., Caspari, C., Winkler, J. R., Wulf, T., Rutkowski, O., Braun, L., Rieger, D., Ernst, J., & Roth, H.-J. (2020). Förderung von Empowerment gegenüber extremistischen Online-Inhalten bei Schüler*innen. In J.B. Schmitt, J. Ernst, D. Rieger & H.-J. Roth (Eds.). Propaganda und Prävention. Forschungsergebnisse, didaktische Ansätze sowie interdisziplinäre Perspektiven zur pädagogischen Arbeit zu extremistischer Internetpropaganda (pp. 283-316). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-28538-8_14 

Stein, J.-P., Sehic, S., & Appel, M. (2020). Machtvolle Bilder und Bildmanipulationen. In M. Appel (Ed.), Die Psychologie des Postfaktischen: Über Fake News. „Lügenpresse“, Clickbait & Co. (pp. 177-187). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-58695-2_16 

Weber, S., & Knorr, E. (2020). Kognitive Verzerrungen und die Irrationalität des Denkens. In M. Appel (Ed.), Die Psychologie des Postfaktischen: Über Fake News. „Lügenpresse“, Clickbait & Co. (pp. 103-105). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-58695-2_10 

Winkler, J. R., Schmitt, J. B., van Balen, A.-K., Caspari, C., Rutkowski, O., Ernst, J., Rieger, D., & Roth, H.-J. (2020). Beurteilung der Lernarrangements durch Schüler*innen und Lehrer*innen. In J.B. Schmitt, J. Ernst, D. Rieger & H.-J. Roth (Eds.). Propaganda und Prävention. Forschungsergebnisse, didaktische Ansätze sowie interdisziplinäre Perspektiven zur pädagogischen Arbeit zu extremistischer Internetpropaganda (pp. 169-196). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-28538-8_10 


Cohen, J., Appel, M., & Slater, M. (2019). Media, identity, and the self. In M. B. Oliver, A. Raney, & J. Bryant (Eds.), Media Effects (4th edition, pp. 179-194). Routledge.

Hutmacher, F., & Haager, J.S. (2019). Kreativität und Persönlichkeit, oder: Wie sind die Kreativen? In: J.S. Haager & Tanja G. Baudson (Hrsg.), Kreativität in der Schule: Finden, fördern, leben (S. 103-117). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-22970-2_6

Hiltmann, S., Hutmacher, F., & Hawelka, B. (2019). Selbstlernphasen Studierender unterstützen. In: D. Jahn, A. Kenner, D. Kergel & B. Heidkamp-Kergel (Hrsg.), Kritische Hochschullehre. Impulse für eine innovative Lehr-Lernkultur (S. 305-322). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-25740-8_16


Knop-Hülß, K., Winkler, J. R., & Penzel, J. (2018). Being POPC together: Permanent connectedness and group dynamics. In P. Vorderer, D. Hefner, L. Reinecke, & C. Klimmt (Eds.), Permanently online, permanently connected. Living and communicating in a POPC world (pp. 129-139). Routledge.

Mengelkamp, C., & Baadte, C. (2018). Einsatz von Medien im Schulunterricht (2. Aufl.). In I. C. Vogel (Ed.), Kommunikation in der Schule (pp. 152-176). Klinkhardt UTB.

Weber, S., & Steffens, M.C. (2018). Die Bedeutung sozialer Identitäten und Gruppenstereotype in Bezug auf Migrationshintergrund und Geschlecht. In P. Genkova & A. Riecken (Eds.), Handbuch Migration und Erfolg (pp. 1-14). Springer Reference Psychologie. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-18403-2_17-1 


Diethei, D., Ertle, F., Grundgeiger, T., Mengelkamp, C., & Held, V. (2017). E-Learning vs. E-Learning with Hands-on: An Experimental Study to Improve Clinical Skills. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 61, 660-660. https://doi.org/10.1177/1541931213601651

Rieger, D., Schmitt, J. B., Ernst, J., Winkler, J., & Roth, H.-J. (2017). Propaganda im Schulunterricht. Förderung von Medienkritikfähigkeit als Präventionsarbeit gegen Extremismus [Propaganda in school teaching. Fostering critical media literacy as prevention of radicalization]. Praxis Schulpsychologie, 12, 4-5.

Stein, J.-P. (2017). Cloud Strife. In J. Banks, R. Meija, & A. Adams (Eds.), 100 Greatest Video Game Characters (pp. 39–40). Rowman & Littlefield.


Appel, M. (2016). „Immer online, immer allein?“ – Zu den Auswirkungen des digitalen Wandels. In W. Lenhard (Ed.), Verhaltensstörungen im Jugendalter: Ausgewählte Determinanten und Phänomene (pp. 58-65). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-47350-4

Appel, M., Weber, S., Krause, S., and Mara, M. (2016). “On the eeriness of service robots with emotional capabilities,” in Proceedings of the 11th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) (Christchurch), 411-412. https://doi.org/10.1109/HRI.2016.7451781 


Mihalca, L., Schnotz, W., & Mengelkamp, C. (2015). Self-regulation in computer-based learning environments: effects of learner characteristics and instructional support. In W. Schnotz, A. Kauertz, H. Ludwig, A. Müller & J. Pretsch (Eds.), Multidisciplinary Research on Teaching and Learning (pp. 44-67). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137467744_3