Deutsch Intern
Psychologie Intelligenter Interaktiver Systeme


In the “MOTIV - Digital Interaction Literacy: Monitor, Training, and Visibility” project funded by the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt), the interdisciplinary team analyzes interaction with voice-based interactive technologies and AI applications and records usage habits as well as prevailing (mis)perceptions about the systems. In doing so, “digital interaction literacy” is recognized as a key digital competence for a self-determined, competent use of digital technologies. With a view to heterogeneous social groups, MOTIV develops adaptive training modules to raise awareness among the various stakeholders and to identify and expand development potential. 

MOTIV is part of the AI Psychology working group and a joint project between Astrid Carolus (Media Psychology), Carolin Wienrich (Psychology of Intelligent Interactive Systems) and Andreas Hotho (Data Science) and will run for three years with funding of around 760,000 euros. 

Zeitraum: 2020 - 2023
Fördergeber: Bayerischen Forschungsinstitut für Digitale Transformation (bidt)

Dr. Astrid Carolus, Prof. Dr. Andreas Hotho


André Markus, Jan Pfister


2022[ to top ]
  • Digital interaction literacy model. Conceptualizing competencies for literate interactions with voice-based AI systems. Carolus, Astrid; Augustin, Yannik; Markus, André; Wienrich, Carolin. In Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, bl 100114. Elsevier BV, 2022.
  • AI Literacy: Kompetenzdimensionen und Einflussfaktoren im Kontext von Arbeit. Wienrich, Carolin; Carolus, Astrid; Markus, André; Augustin, Yannik. Vol. 1, bll 1–24. 2022.
2021[ to top ]
  • The Trustworthiness of Voice Assistants in the Context of Healthcare Investigating the Effect of Perceived Expertise on the Trustworthiness of Voice Assistants, Providers, Data Receivers, and Automatic Speech Recognition. Wienrich, Carolin; Reitelbach, Clemens; Carolus, Astrid. In Frontiers in Computer Science. Human-Media Interaction. Special Issue: Towards Omnipresent and Smart Speech Assistants, 3. Frontiers Media {SA}, 2021.
  • `Alexa, I feel for you!’ Observers’ Empathetic Reactions towards a Conversational Agent. Carolus, Astrid; Wienrich, Carolin; Törke, Anna; Friedel, Tobias; Schwietering, Christian; Sperzel, Mareike. In Frontiers in Computer Science. Human-Media Interaction. Special Issue: Towards Omnipresent and Smart Speech Assistants, 3. Frontiers Media {SA}, 2021.
  • 1st AI-DEbate Workshop : workshop establishing An InterDisciplinary pErspective on speech-BAsed TEchnology. Carolus, Astrid; Wienrich, Carolin. 1st ed, A. Carolus, I. Siebert, C. Wienrich (reds.), bll 1–42. Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany, 2021.
  • Development of an Instrument to Measure Conceptualizations and Competencies About Conversational Agents on the Example of Smart Speakers. Wienrich, Carolin; Carolus, Astrid. In Frontiers in Computer Science. Human-Media Interaction. Special Issue: Towards Omnipresent and Smart Speech Assistants. Frontiers, 2021.
2020[ to top ]
  • “Respecting Alexa’s “Feelings” - Effects of Politeness and Impoliteness on the Evaluation of Conversational Agents. Carolus, Astrid; Wienrich, Carolin. 2020.
  • Move\&Find: The value of kinesthetic experience in a casual data representation. Hurtienne, Jorn; Maas, Franzisca; Carolus, Astrid; Reinhardt, Daniel; Baur, Cordula; Wienrich, Carolin. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 40(6), bll 61–75. IEEE, 2020.
2019[ to top ]
  • A Systematic View on Speech Assistants for Service Technicians. Baumeister, Joachim; Sehne, Veronika; Wienrich, Carolin. In Proceedings of LWDA - Lernen. Wissen. Daten. Analysen 2019, bll 195–206. 2019.