Deutsch Intern
Psychologie Intelligenter Interaktiver Systeme

Philipp Krop, M.Sc.

Philipp Krop, M. Sc. 

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/PhD Student



Psychologie Intelligenter Interaktiver Systeme
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Institut für Mensch-Computer-Medien
Universität Würzburg
Emil-Fischer-Straße 50
97074 Würzburg

About me

Philipp is part of both the HCI and the PIIS group. He studied Mensch-Computer-Systeme (B.Sc.) and Human-Computer-Interaction (M.Sc.) at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg. He developed an Unreal & Unity-framework for interactive surfaces as a student worker in the XRoads project, before developing a mobile app for physicians to order clinical orders on the go as part of the DZ.PTM project. He now investigates social effects of virtual agents and how the visual design and framing of embodied AI in the work context shapes human perception and trust in AI, as part of the AIL AT WORK project and as part of his doctor’s thesis titled “From Tool to CompanionInvestigating the Visual Design and Social Effects of Embedded & Embodied AI”.


2025[ to top ]
  • Krop, Philipp, David Obremski, Astrid Carolus, Marc Erich Latoschik, and Carolin Wienrich. My Co-Worker ChatGPT: Development of an XR Application for Embodied Artificial Intelligence in Work Environments. In 2025 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (IEEE VRW). IEEE Computer Science, 2025.
2024[ to top ]
  • Krop, Philipp, Martin J. Koch, Astrid Carolus, Marc Erich Latoschik, and Carolin Wienrich. The Effects of Expertise, Humanness, and Congruence on Perceived Trust, Warmth, Competence and Intention to Use Embodied AI. In Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’24), 9. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2024.
2023[ to top ]
  • Kerwagen, Fabian, Konrad F. Fuchs, Melanie Ullrich, Andreas Schulze, Samantha Straka, Philipp Krop, Marc E. Latoschik, et al. Usability of a {{Mhealth Solution}} Using {{Speech Recognition}} for {{Point-of-Care Diagnostic Management}}. Journal of Medical Systems 47, no. 18 (2023).
  • Krop, Philipp, Sebastian Oberdörfer, and Marc Erich Latoschik. Traversing the Pass: Improving the Knowledge Retention of Serious Games Using a Pedagogical Agent. In Proceedings of the 23rd ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents. Würzburg, Germany: Association for Computing Machinery, 2023.
2022[ to top ]
  • Krop, Philipp, Samantha Straka, Melanie Ullrich, Maximilian Ertl, and Marc Erich Latoschik. IT-Supported Request Management for Clinical Radiology: Contextual Design and Remote Prototype Testing. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts, 1-8. CHI EA ’22. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 2022.
2021[ to top ]
  • Krop, Philipp, Samantha Straka, Melanie Ullrich, Maximilian Ertl, and Marc Erich Latoschik. IT-Supported Request Management for Clinical Radiology: Analyzing the Radiological Order Workflow through Contextual Interviews. In Mensch Und Computer 2021 (MuC ’21), September 5-8, 2021, Ingolstadt, Germany, 1-7. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 2021.