Deutsch Intern
Psychologie Intelligenter Interaktiver Systeme


The Girls' Day took place on April 27th, 2023, and was a great success! Together with the XR Hum Nuremberg we conducted parallel workshops where the girls got familiar with XR technologies and learned about the background of designing XR experiences.


From April 11th to 13th, the Würtual Reality XR Meeting 2023 will take place at the University of Würzburg, Germany. The HCI Chair offers various demonstrations as well as talks on current research issues for the participants.


The MOTIV team was invited by the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (short: bidt) for an interview on the topic of trust, knowledge and potentials on voice assistants




Artificial intelligence is increasingly shaping our everyday lives. How intelligent voice assistants and chatbots can influence us was presented and discussed by MOTIV's interdisciplinary project team at the Bavarian international AI congress "AI.BAY" on February 23, 2023 at the Deutsches Museum in Munich.


Winter Expo Recap


The Winter EXPO 2023 for MCS and HCI was a great success! We thank all the contributors and guests for participating.


Together with State Secretary Lilian Tschan from the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, the AIL at Work project informs about the research aims and shows the topic’s relevance in the video clip.



MuC 2022


After two years of completely digital conferences, the largest conference series of human-computer interaction in Europe, "Mensch und Computer 2022", took place in presence for the first time again. The Psychology of Intelligent Interactive Systems Group was was represented in Darmstadt with contributions on various topics.


The Summer EXPO 2022 for MCS/HCI, MK and GE was a great success! We thank all the contributors and guests for participating.


Participants collaborated to explore crucial dimensions in user-centered AI-design, focusing on the trustworthiness, perceived safety, and overall appeal of (non-)humanoid AI-representations in virtual reality (VR).


Die ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (kurz „CHI“) fand nach mehreren online-only Durchgängen in diesem Jahr hybrid statt. Die CHI-Konferenz gilt als die größte Konferenz im Bereich der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion und die Uni Würzburg war mit drei Fachbereichen vertreten: PIIS, HCI und PsyErgo stellten Vorträge online und vor Ort vor. Nina Döllinger stellte ihre Arbeit zur Körperwahrnehmung in virtuellen Avataren vor.
