Deutsch Intern

Dr. Maximilian T. P. von Andrian-Werburg

Research Fellow

Campus Hubland Nord
Oswald-Külpe-Weg 82

97074 Würzburg - Germany

Room 01.019

Phone: +49931/31-86251

Short Biography:

Maximilian Freiherr von Andrian-Werburg (*1989) was a member of the inaugural class of the Media Communication program (WS10/11). After forays into practical fields such as journalism, project management, and controlling, he has been employed as a research associate at the Institute for Human-Computer Media at the Chair of Media Psychology since October 2016.


von Andrian-Werburg, M. T. P., Siegers, P., & Breuer, J. (2023). A reevaluation of online pornography use in Germany using a combination of web tracking and survey data. Archives of Sexual Behavior.

von Andrian-Werburg, M. T. P., Klopp, E., & Schwab, F. (2023). Fantasy made flesh: A network analysis of the reciprocal relationship between sexual fantasies, pornography usage and sexual behavior. Journal of Sex Research.

von Andrian-Werburg, M. T. P., Adler, D. C., Schwab, F., Schwarz, S., & Lange, B. P. (2020). Can I confidently guess who you are? Personality and intelligence perception in online dating. Studies in Communication and Media, 9(4), 573–598.

Lange, B. P., von Andrian-Werburg, M. T. P., Adler, D. C. & Zaretsky, E. (2019). The name is the game: Nicknames as predictors of personality and mating strategy in online dating. Frontiers in Communication, 4, 3.

Carolus, A., Freiherr v. Andrian-Werburg, M., Lange, B. P., & Schwab, F. (2016). Das 8. Gebot. Wie Medien uns (Des-) Orientierung geben. tv diskurs, 77(20), 66-71.


Talks & Posters

Research Focus:

  • Sex/Gender and Media Selection, Use and Effects
  • Usage Motives and Effects of Pornography

Society Memberships

  • German Psychological Society
  • Human Behavior and Evolution Society
  • ICA Communication Science & Biology Interest Group
  • Polskie Towarzystwo Nauk o Człowieku i Ewolucji (Polish Society for Human and Evolution Studies)