Mlakar, H., Hirst-Plein, J., & Koch, M. J. (2024). Spelling error analysis in young English language learners from a German background: A comparison of three literacy intervention programmes. Journal of the European Second Language Association, 8(1), 131–147.
Koch, M. J., Carolus, A., Wienrich, C., & Latoschik, M. E. (2024). Meta AI Literacy Scale: Further validation and development of a short version. Heliyon, e39686.
Koch, M. J., & Greve, W. (2024). The benefits of cultural confrontation: Does the experience of cultural heterogeneity predict individual differences in accommodative regulation? International Journal of Intercultural Relations.
Koch, M. J., Kersten, K., & Greve, W. (2024). An emotional advantage of multilingualism. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 1–14.
Koch, M. J., Wienrich, C. (shared first authorship), Straka, S., Latoschik, M. E., & Carolus, A. (2024). Overview and Confirmatory and Exploratory Factor Analysis of AI Literacy Scale. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 100310.
Krauthausen, M., Leutritz, T., Koch, M. J., Hagen, P. E., König, S., & Simmenroth, A. (2024). Personality and interest in general practice: Results from an online survey among medical students. BMC Primary Care, 25(1), 415.
Krop, P., Koch, M. J., Carolus, A., Latoschik, M. E., & Wienrich, C. (2024). The Effects of Expertise, Humanness, and Congruence on Perceived Trust, Warmth, Competence and Intention to Use Embodied AI. Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–9.
Koch, M. J. (2023). Multilingualism and Multiculturalism as stimulating developmental conditions for accommodative and emotional competences [Doctoral dissertation, University of Hildesheim]. HilDok.
Carolus, A., Koch, M. J. (shared first authorship), Straka, S., Latoschik, M. E., & Wienrich, C. (2023). MAILS - Meta AI literacy scale: Development and testing of an AI literacy questionnaire based on well-founded competency models and psychological change- and meta-competencies. Computers in Human Behavior: Artificial Humans, 1(2), 100014.
Straka, S., Koch, M. J. (shared first authorship), Carolus, A., Latoschik, M. E., & Wienrich, C. (2023). How do employees imagine AI they want to work with: A drawing study. In A. Schmidt, K. Väänänen, T. Goyal, P. O. Kristensson, & A. Peters (Eds.), Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1–8). ACM.
Koch, M. J., Greve, W., & Kersten, K. (2023). Extending the cognitive advantage hypothesis: a conceptual replication study of the relationship between multilingualism and flexible goal adjustment. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.
Bruhn, A.-C., Genzer, M., Thies, L., Koch, M.J., & Kersten, K. (2022). The interplay of young learners’ verbal self-concept and linguistic competences over time in monolingual and bilingual institutions. In H. Böttger & N. Schlüter (Eds.), Fortschritte im frühen Fremdsprachenlernen: Konferenzband zur 5. Tagung FFF (pp. 94–124). Schriftbild.
Kersten, K., Blackman, A., Funke, F.L., Akram, T., Kliebisch, M., & Koch, M.J. (2022). Input quality affects L1 and L2 proficiency and moderates the effect of socioeconomic status. In H. Böttger & N. Schlüter (Eds.), Fortschritte im frühen Fremdsprachenlernen: Konferenzband zur 5. Tagung FFF (pp. 255–280). Schriftbild.
Greve, W., Koch, M., Rasche, V., & Kersten, K. (2021). Extending the scope of the ‘cognitive advantage’ hypothesis: Multilingual individuals show higher flexibility of goal adjustment. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.
Trebits, A., Koch, M. J., Ponto. K., Bruhn, A.-C., Adler, M., & Kersten, K. (2021). Cognitive gains and socioeconomic status in early second language acquisition in immersion and EFL learning settings. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.
Denker, M.-L., Jentzsch, L. K., & Koch, M. J. (2020). Das Zwei-Prozessmodell der Entwicklungsregulation. In W. Greve (Ed.), Bewältigung und Entwicklung (pp. 419 - 433). Universitätsverlag Hildesheim.