Deutsch Intern

    Sondervortrag von Prof. Timo Ropinski


    Recent Advances in Volume Visualization (19.12. um 16.00 Uhr, 00.212 BibSemZ)

    Prof. Timo Ropinski  von der Linköping University in Schweden ist im Dezember in Würzburg und hält für uns einen Vortrag über „Recent Advances in Volume Visualization".

    Jeder ist herzlich eingeladen zu kommen!

    In this talk I will give an overview of our current work in the areas of volume rendering. The first part of the talk deals with interactive volume rendering techniques, which have been developed in order to improve the visual quality of volume rendered images. Among other technologies, I will describe how to transfer rendering concepts established in the area of polygonal rendering to employ volumetric illumination models. In the second part of the talk, I will talk about how to render data which is defined over high-dimensional basis functions. In contrast to conventional volume rendering, here expensive interpolation functions must be evaluated, which pose a challenge when interactivity becomes crucial.
