Deutsch Intern

    Birgit Lugrin at the 2023 European Learning & Teaching Forum


    Birgit Lugrin was invited to the 2023 European Learning & Teaching Forum of the European University Association to speak in the panel on “Talking to bots and avatars: Are high-tech campuses the future?”

    The session discussed the effect of digitalised and technologised campuses on learning and teaching as well as student and teacher interaction is, and whether they meet our expectations on data security, accessibility, and sustainability. Across Europe and elsewhere, numerous projects are underway to establish and further develop highly technologised campuses, allowing students, teachers and other university staff to study, work and interact with the help of virtual environments, artificial intelligence and – perhaps in the not so distant future – robotics. Among other things, Birgit Lugrin spoke of her own use of social robots in university teaching.

    High-quality learning environments depend on well-functioning communication and a community of practice connecting learners, teachers, and other staff, but also on their capacity to relate to partner universities as well as local or regional stakeholders. These diverse inner- and interinstitutional connections are critical for initiating and sustaining innovation in learning and teaching, be it in view of developing transformative practices or promoting the wellbeing of members of a higher education institution. Yet, what can higher education institutions do to foster meaningful connections and collaboration within and across institutions, and with society, with a view to supporting successful learning and teaching? The 2023 European Learning & Teaching Forum seeks to explore these questions, while considering the enhanced range of opportunities that blended, flexible and collaborative learning and teaching practices offer, as well as how they relate to student and staff wellbeing.


    Further information on the conference:

    European Learning & Teaching Forum (

    European University Association (
